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Barkingham Palace Dog Daycare Pet Care East York Main Danforth Gerrard Toronto Sitting 

We are a dog daycare serving East York, the Danforth and all of Toronto for 21(!) years -- that's 140 dog years! After so many years in the business we have refined our brand of care down to what we feel are the essentials. We pride ourselves on being a small staff with a deep understanding of our "pack", specifically each dog's personal quirks, behaviour and needs. We pay special attention to the interplay, relationships and body language between all pets in our care as we work to maintain an exciting and fun dynamic. It is equally important that our entire group remains respectful of the dogs in our space who, perhaps due to size or age, may wish to take it easy and lounge while still enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of a bustling canine environment.

Doggy daycare grooming East York Toronto
King of Dog Daycare

Our location is bright, clean and provides enough space for the play sessions that keep everybody entertained before and after what truly sets us apart: our daily park visits! Each dog gets approximately one hour each day at a local, fenced-in, off-leash dog park. This gives them an opportunity to really open up, get their energy out and interact with an even wider range of pets and people. Being daily visitors, we are very familiar with the other dogs and dog walkers there, and can therefore continue to maintain a watchful eye while encouraging only healthy and happy interactions. Our park trips are a remarkable offering and a rarity in the industry, even more so because our daycare only costs a few dollars more than many one-hour walking services, but comes with the benefit of knowing your dog is in our care and being watched for as long as ten full hours!

Three Time Winner:

Best Daycare Toronto - Barkingham Palace
dog daycare award
dog daycare award

We apologize for any disappointment but we no longer provide grooming services. This may change in the future, but for now we wish you luck in finding new grooming services with which you are also happy.

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